Vascular recall

Our records show that you need an annual monitoring review for a “Vascular condition” which might include the following:

Ischaemic Heart Disease, Heart Failure, Peripheral Vascular Disease, CKD*, Stroke/TIA, Atrial Fibrillation.

Please do the following:

  • It is important that your annual monitoring review is carried out so we can ensure your condition is properly controlled and managed. We will not be able to re-authorise any repeat medication requests if you have not had your annual monitoring review.
  • Refer to the text message we have sent to you and click on the link at the bottom of the text to book your review.
  • Submit your Blood Pressure (BP) readings before your review by completing the Blood Pressure Review
    If you need to borrow a BP monitor (£10 deposit), contact us Ask the Practice a Question
  • If you are unable to operate a home BP monitor and have no friends or family who could help you with this, then please phone us (01452 529933) and we will book to do your BP reading at the same time as your review (although this is not as reliable).

This review is only once a year so we would encourage you to make every effort to attend, which may involve asking a relative or neighbour for a lift or getting a taxi. If you are however unable to leave your home, then please speak to a Patient Adviser.

Please ignore this information if you have recently booked or had your annual monitoring review appointment.

*CKD stands for Chronic Kidney Disease – this means that your kidney function at some point has been below normal. Often this resolves but we need to monitor it with an annual review and 6 monthly blood tests (please make a note in your diary to book this).